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Q: Is there only one version of Linux available?
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How can you chat in messenger having Linux it is possible?

There is no official version of AIM or Yahoo! Instant messenger available for Linux. However, you can use one of several chat clients to connect. 1. Pidgin / GAIM - Should be included with Ubuntu and most Linux distributions with the GNOME environment. 2. Kopete - Should be included in Kubuntu and most Linux distributions with the KDE environment. 3. aMSN - Works only with MSN. 4. Gajim.

Is Red Hat Enterprise Linux free?

Yes and no. The source code is available for almost all programs, and is made available in unofficial and semi-official form as CentOS and Fedora, respectively. However, RHEL, when branded as such, is only available through purchasing a support plan. Red Hat had two versions of Linux, one for home/consumer/desktop use, and one for commercial/enterprise/server use (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). A few years ago, Red Hat decided to focus only on RHEL. The consumer/desktop version was renamed Fedora and given to the community to support. If you are looking for an older version of Red Hat, you can Google the specific version you are looking for and a number of mirrors will appear - but I would recommend against this, it's no longer supported or updated, and you'll probably have issues with it and newer hardware.

Where can you download Linux for free at?

There are a variety of different Linux software downloads available for download. One can download basic Linux for free from sites such as Download Linux Free and Softonic.

Is an operating system that is available both in a free version and in flavors that you can purchase?

One of the best free operating systems is Linux. It does pretty much everything Windows can do, but there is no cost to own and operate it.

How can the Linux version running on a computer be determined?

One can find which version of Linux is running on a computer by using the LSB tool. One may need to download the LSB tool because it isn't installed by default on every computer.

What version of Microsoft is on the computers in our classroom?

The wrong one. Try installing UBUNTU Linux.

What are the target users of Linux?

Linux and the many variations based on Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, to name but two) are aimed at any one who wishes to use it, and is available for free.

What is the best version of Sabayon Linux?

The newest one. As of February 2009, that would be Sabayon 4.0.

How can you find the version of Linux you are using on your computer?

The best solution is this command (actually two in one): uname -a && cat /etc/*release The first part of the command tells you the version of the Linux kernel that is running. The second part of the command tells you the name of the distribution, like "Red Hat Enterprise Linux X.X". When asked this same question, most people only answer the first part, which is not always what the user needs to know.

Where can one learn how to use Linux?

There are many available resources that can assist an individual with learning how to use Linux. A couple resources that can assist an individual with learning how to use Linux include: Wikihow and Linuxcommand.

How do you get teddiursa in HeartGold?

Teddiursa is only available in SoulSilver. There are many Pokemon that are version-specific, and Teddiursa is one of them. Only Phanphy can be found in HeartGold.

A Brief Guide to Installing Linux?

These days, almost everyone has a personal computer or a laptop. Many of those use Windows for the operating system. Technology has advanced, however, and Windows is no longer the only option. Some people prefer to use Linux as an operating system. Linux is an open source operating system. That means that it’s written in a language that is not proprietary and available to anyone. One advantage of this is that anyone knowledgeable can make improvements and upgrades. Another huge advantage is that Linux can be downloaded and installed free of charge. There are a few things needed to install Linux. First, a high speed internet connection is highly recommended. A version of Linux will need to be downloaded to the hard drive. Without a fast internet connection, that download can take a long time and get interrupted. Potentially, it can be very frustrating. Another needed component is a version of Linux. Since Linux is open source, there are many different versions available today. Most of these are available free of charge, although some have better technical support than other. If the user is new to Linux, a version that provides good documentation and technical support is recommended. Next, an ISO image is required. An ISO file will contain a compressed version of the Linux data files. Part of the process of installing Linux will be un-compressing these files. The ISO file will be burned to a CD or DVD. The user will then boot to this CD or DVD to begin the install of Linux. This disk, along with the documentation should be enough to get the user started installing Linux. Once the documentation has been read, the user should put the ISO CD or DVD into the appropriate drive and boot to it. One thing to keep in mind is that this process will overwrite any operating system that is already on the computer. If the user does not want to overwrite their current operating system, they should partition the hard drive before beginning this process. Once Linux is installed, the computer will now use it as the operating system. There are many resources for information and technical support available on the internet. If the user has any technical issues, they can most likely be resolved by referring to a trusted Linux site.