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I recommend you go to Best Buy or Staples and see what new laptop computers are available in your price range. You can purchase a new laptop computer at one of these retailers or you can go to an online store such as, purchase a new laptop computer, and have it delivered directly to your door.

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Q: Is there any way that I can get a new laptop computer?
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If the laptop is no longer under warranty, the cost of fixing the monitor would likely be more than the cost of the laptop. However, you can connect the laptop to any desktop monitor, you just need to buy a simple connector you can get at most any computer store, and you could also buy a used desktop monitor for very little.

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Benefits of Buying a Laptop Online?

Looking for a new laptop computer can be quite confusing. That is why looking for a laptop online is one of the best ways to find exactly what is needed at an affordable price. Buying a laptop online allows the purchaser to compare prices and specs without the hassle of a salesman. It is a stress free way to learn about likes and dislikes where computers are concerned. Everyone who owns a computer can vouch for the fact that just because a laptop is good for one person does not mean it will be good for another. Laptops are just another way to show individuality.

How do i log in to kik on a computer?

You log onto Kik using a laptop exactly the same way you would log onto Kik with a desktop, netbook, tablet, or any other computer.

My Toshiba Satellite A 200-FE2 laptop won't battery won't charge?

if it wont charge, it could be the charger itself or the port on the laptop. Verify that the charge works on another computer if you can. If not, i would start with the charger as it can be cheaper then a new motherboard or a new laptop. But try to find a way to test it first.

How many sizes do computer laptop bags come in?

Computer laptop bags come in all shapes, sizes and colours. They not only provide a safe way to carry your laptop around, but make a fashion statement.

How does a netbook work?

A netbook is just a smaller laptop. It works the same way as any other computer. Windows, USB, INternet etc everything