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A USB flash drive is a type of external drive. If you meant external drive as an external hard drive, then no, there won't be any difference in the pictures. However, if you're archiving, I'd suggest an external hard drive, because they work best for archiving.

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Q: Is there any difference between saving your photos on an external drive as opposed to a USB flash drive?
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oblique photoThe difference is oblique photos are at a lower angles while aerial photos are at a higher angle Improved Answer:"The biggest differences in Oblique aerial photos and normal oblique photos are perspective. A photo is classified as Oblique when the imaging sensor is capturing the photos at a user angle greater than 0 degree in an upward or downward angle.When Oblique images are captured in an aerial platform they are set at a downward angle typically between 15-45 degrees. The aerial platform is capturing data at altitudes typically ranging between 3500-5500 AGL. Camera, lens length, firing angle and capture altitude will all determine the area the photo covers.So when you compare oblique photos captured in a terrestrial manner and ones captured in the air the main difference in what you get at the end of the day is your perspective."

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