It isn't. It can also be used to write desktop applications. Java does have many options to program for the Internet, but that is not the only possibility.It isn't. It can also be used to write desktop applications. Java does have many options to program for the Internet, but that is not the only possibility.It isn't. It can also be used to write desktop applications. Java does have many options to program for the Internet, but that is not the only possibility.It isn't. It can also be used to write desktop applications. Java does have many options to program for the Internet, but that is not the only possibility.
Newspaper publishers use desktop publishing software.
microsoft word is a coputer program that enables you to write text, pictures, graphs, and other documents
With a text mode text editor. Or simply switch it on if the OS supports X windows.
in desktop system Intel ENGINEERS writes the operating system program(different ways in which a paticular program can be executed) and user (like software developers ) writes the application program n execute it on OSP.WHEREAS IN EMBEDDED SYSTEM both operating system program(OSP) and application progarm r WRITTEN BY ENGINEERS (TAHT IS USER CANT WRITE APPLICATION PROGRAM)
Documents do not write themselves.
You can also write desktop programs. You can use Java for almost anything.You can also write desktop programs. You can use Java for almost anything.You can also write desktop programs. You can use Java for almost anything.You can also write desktop programs. You can use Java for almost anything.
how to write late submission of documents
To write a letter of late submission of documents to a company you need to address it to the manager with the reasons for the late submissions.
Open Office will happily read Word perfect documents.
How to write a program for secant method by mathematica
The Monroe Doctrine