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Q: Is the qa system for your engineered product is fit for purpose?
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What does fit for purpose mean in ICT?

Fit for purpose means good enough to do the job it was made to do.

What fit for purpose means?

Fit for purpose means good enough to do the job it was made to do.

What would shakespeare invent to suit his purpose?

Words! If he couldn't find a word to fit, he made one up. Good system I think!

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Read Management by richard l.Daft

What is meant by fit for purpose?


What is the purpose of the sale of goods act?

The purpose of the sale of goods act is to ensure that goods sold to customers are fit for the purpose they are sold. If they are not fit for purpose then one can request a refund under this act or take legal action.

What is product adaptation and product standardization?

Product adaptation is where a Firm adapts a product to a geographic location to fit one geodemographics.

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Transacting stocks is a competitive system in which firms produce a homogenous product for a large number of buyers.

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They are fit for purpose

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Sufficient and fit for purpose

What is a good slogan name for an workout class?

Come in and work out ..... The greatest fitness in __________ (locality)We can work it out!We are fit for purpose and our purpose is to get you fit!Get fit with us and we will be delighted to see less of you.Together, we can make your dream body a reality.

What are the four memory allocation in operating system?

First Fit, Best Fit, Buddy system and Suballocators.