BlackBerry Tablet OS was created on 2011-04-19.
You guys it's not. Blackberry made it's own tablet they didn't steal Android's creation like the Japanese Tablets. Also if you are looking for a good cheap tablet go to eBay and buy a MID Tablet. They are only 70 dollars. The Blackberry Playbook isn't a Android Device!
Not that we know of
It is neither. The Blackberry Playbook is running theBlackBerry Tablet OS.
You could say that a BlackBerry is a computer, but not in a traditional sense. They are mainly a smartphone and tablet maker.
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It depends on what you want to use it for, an iPad is good for multi functionality, While some tablets like the blackberry playbook are based around different uses.
It is possible to change a tablet's stock Android operating system to iOS, BlackBerry, Windows, or WebOS. However, changing it can vary from tablet to tablet. So, what works for one tablet manufacturer might not work with another one.
A Blackberry Playbook can be rooted and Google Tablet Operating System put on side by side or as a total replacement to the blackberry os. Hardware features of 'google tablets' have a wide range, where as there are only two playbooks available. so measure any google tablets vs. the specs of a playbook. Using a playbook 'factory/out of the box' would limit you to 'blackberry app worlds', some android to blackberry apps, and blackberry os which is slowly evolving out of the market. A playbook hardware is a fine device, so running Android OS is not a bad situation to be in, even better would be an HP Touchpad running Android/Google OS
The Fast-Touch tablet is one of the best in its class, which makes it a good tablet to buy.
yes it is a good phone but the bluetooth on it isn't very good i would say it is a good phone but other blackberrys are better like blackberry curve or blackberry tourch.
"Blackberry Desktop is a software that is available for download in order to coordinate links between your tablet, smartphone, email accounts, calendars and more. This software is available for both Mac and PC's."