A "Nook Book" is what the ebooks are called through Barnes & Noble.
Assuming your question is something to the effect... Is the Nook Tablet Android based, Yes it is.
It already does. The Nook runs on Google's Android operating system.
At this point you would have to root the Nook to run Android apps.
The Barnes & Noble Nook Color uses a customized version of Android OS.
Well, it depends on what your needs are if you are searching for a tablet mainly for reading. The Nook has proprietary apps that are specific to that device that you might not find in a tablet with Android OS. However, you would have limited app choices, and an older Android OS built in with the Nook.
Turning a Nook to an Android devise can be tricky. You have to download and save the Android operating system on to an SD card and install it onto your Nook.
No because the book does not allow outside applications fron being installed. The only way for you to get it would be if you jailbreak your nook and then get it from the android market or google play.
Nook Tablet was created on 2011-11-17.
It will come back to nook tablet and be there forever.
No. The Nook Color or Tablet does not have a camera, however as of August 2014, the new Samsung Galaxy Tablet 4 Nook is equipped with a camera.
Yes, you can use the Nook app, which is available on Google Play.
"Tablet con Android"
Farmville is a Beta feature, and as of yet cannot be accessed on Nook Color Tablet.
It doesn't look like it's available on the nook tablet at this time.