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It is preemptive, as of the 2.6 series. 2.4 and prior were non-preemptive.

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Q: Is the Linux kernel pre-emptive or non-premptive?
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Related questions

What is the name of the kernel used in Linux?

Linux is the kernel.

When was Linux kernel created?

Linux kernel was created in 1991.

Where can you download the Linux kernel?

The Linux kernel sources can be downloaded from the official Linux Kernel Archives, found at the link below.

Does Linux use the kernel of Unix?

No, it is unix-based but Linux is a kernel not an operating system.Ubuntu,Linux Mint,Debian,and puppy Linux,ect. are OS's that use the Linux kernel.

What kind of multiprocessing do Windows and Linux do?

Preemptive (both Windows and Linux).

Is windows xp preemptive or non preemptive?

It uses pre-emptive scheduling. It has what is called a pre-emptive multi-tasking kernel.

Are kernel programming and Linux programming the same?

No. "Kernel programming" is the writing of code that runs in kernel mode. It is not specific to Linux. "Linux programming" usually refers to any programming done in/for the Linux environment, and is not necessarily specific to the kernel.

What is latest Linux verision?

Linux is the kernel. As of 8-10-12 the latest stable Linux kernel is 3.5.1.

When was the Linux 2.4 kernel released?

The 2.4 version of the Linux kernel was released in 2001.

When was Linux Kernel Developers Summit created?

Linux Kernel Developers Summit was created in 2001.

What is the current full featured version of the Linux kernel?

All versions of the Linux kernel are "full featured." The latest stable version of the Linux kernel as of May 17, 2011 is

What do you mean by in Linux?

Linux is just the kernel. If you combine utilities that were made as a result of the GNU project with the linux kernel, you get GNU Linux, which is considered as a complete operating system