

Is sub directory called drive

Updated: 12/11/2022
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15y ago

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No, a drive cannot be a sub directory but it can be a root directory.

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Q: Is sub directory called drive
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A directory within an existing directory is called a sub directory.

What do you mean by sub directory and current directory?

Current directory/Sub-directory **************************************** The current directory is simply the directory a user is currently in - for instance: when in the Home directory, or the Music directory, and so on. A sub directory is another directory inside a main directory - for instance: in the Music Directory - Jazz, Elkie Brooks, Classical, are examples of three sub directories.

What are subdirectories or folders?

Computers store data in a series of directories. Each directory, or folder, may contain files or other directories. If a directory is located within another directory, it is called a sub-directory (or sub-folder) of that folder.

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It's Root Directory

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mkdir directoryname mkdir "directory name with spaces"

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To delete directory and sub directory in single command, use "deltree" command..

What is the directory used for?

A directory is a holding place for multiple files and sub-directories. Are you asking about a specific directory?

Difference between root directory and subdirectory?

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What is a directory in the sense of a computer files?

Directories and folders are interchangeable terms. In the days before Windows (known as the "DOS" days), "Folders" were called, "Directories." To explain what a directory was, it was said to be "like a folder" which held documents (files) and sometimes envelopes (sub-directories) which could also hold other envelops and/or documents etc. etc. At some point Microsoft started referring to "Directories" as "Folders" supposedly to make it easier to understand for those new to computers. Computer files are always found in a named Directory. If a file isn't in a named directory, it is said to be in the "Root" directory i.e "In the root directory of the D: drive." Further, if a sub-directory/folder is in another directory, it is the "child" of the "parent" directory.

What is the name of the single directory created when a floppy drive or logical drive is first formatted?

root directory

What shows the content of disk drives?

The directory. It shows a list of files in the 'root' directory, along with the sub-directories.