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Parts are, but by definition, they are different things.

Application software can be defined as:

  • Designed to help the user to perform a singular or multiple related specific tasks.
  • A set of computer programs which work together to solve a particular problem or to be used for a particular user-defined application

System software can be defined as:

  • Designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide and maintain a platform for running application software.
  • A term for a complicated set of programs that act together to allow a computer & other programs to function.

Hi, they are different.

System software usually manages the computer systems of various independent hardware, enabling them to coordinate their work. It makes both users and software consider PC as a whole instead of different hardware. System software includes operating system and a series of basic tools.

Software application is developed for specific purpose. Sometimes, it is released as a specific program while sometimes it is a collection of programs.

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