It is called a metronome.
rhythm or beat
the best answer:i dont know
In certain situations the page tables could become large enough that by paging the page tables, one could simplify the memory allocation problem (by ensuring that everything is allocated as fixed-size pages as opposed to variable-sized chunks) and also enable the swapping of portions of page table that are not currently used. The disadvantage that associate with it is that more memory accesses may be required for address translation.
Paging refers to the division of address spaces into fixed size units and the logical addresses are in the form of tuples. On the other hand, segmentation is the dividing of address spaces into a defined number of segments.
There is no answer to the question as posed, for the units of Time (hours), and Memory Capacity (GB) are incompatible, or at least un-related.
Advantages of segmentation over paging: Speed. Reloading segment registers to change address spaces is much faster than switching page tables. Segment descriptor tables consume less memory than page tables. x86 page table entries do not have an 'Executable' bit. With segmentation, you can make a region of memory executable (code) or not (data). Segment size can be byte-granular (size 1 byte to 1Meg in units of 1 byte); pages are always page-granular (size 4K to 4Gig in units of 4K). Segmentation lets you make the segment as large as necessary, with no excess (there is no internal fragmentation).
Geologic Time Scale
equal to zero
differce betwween these memory units