letters ,shift ,enter and numbers
2 they are shift+9 or shift+0
By pressing Shift with the number keys below the function keys
press shift, then use the arrow keys as you are still holding the shift key (on your keyboard)
Difficult to answer because the question is not grammatically correct. It should be either what is the main part of a keyboard, or, what are the main parts of a keyboard. And the main parts of a keyboard is the part with the letter keys because it is the most used while on a computer
Ctr, Alt, Shift & 1 to 0
They keyboard has many different functions that provide an easier way to use the computer without a mouse if necessary. The different parts of the keyboard include the function keys, navigation keys, numeric keypad, special keys, typewriter keyboard and the escape key.
type your word then hold shift and press the left arrow button
how to activate underscore in keyboard
The shift key is a modifier key on a keyboard, used to type capital letters and other alternate "upper" characters. It is also used to access the special characters on the number keys and other double character keys on the keyboard!
Home keys.
You probably activated "filter keys." Filter keys are meant to slow down the repeat rate on the keyboard. Holding down shift again for 10 seconds should deactivate it, if that is indeed the problem.