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Only if you plan to die soon. That much Coke in one day could burst your stomach, cause internal bleeding, and kill you.

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Q: Is it possible to drink 36 liters of coke a day?
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Is it still possuble to drink 2 liters of water a day as well as eating green apples?

Yes, it is still possible to drink 2 liters of water a day as well as eating green apples. Some people however, struggle to drink that much water but it is advisable to drink 2 liters every day and more in hot weather.

Is it possible to drink 10 liters of water in a day?

Probably if you were working outside on a very hot day and sweating a lot.

If your diabetic which should you drink coke or Diet Coke?

watever u want to drink! you just cant have anything else the rest of the day.

How many liters a day should an average adult drink?

1.9 liters.

If a boy drinks 2 liters of water a day how many liters will he drink in 7 weeks?

he will drink 98 liters of water in 7 weeks.

Does Coke make you sweat?

No. Unless you drink gallons of it each day. Then you would probably sweat coke.

How many liters should a 190 lb person drink per day?

2 liters of water is what a 190 person should drink per day. They could drink more or less if they desired but 2 liters is a good average.

Does coke make you sweat more?

No. Unless you drink gallons of it each day. Then you would probably sweat coke.

What if you drink coke everyday?

u will surely die one day !

How much soda should a person drink without getting kidney stones?

if you are talking about coke you sholden't be drinking coke at all but you can just make sure you don't drink coke 2 a day.

What is the most water you should drink in a day?

A male should drink about three liters of water per day. A woman should have 2.2 liters per day. This is an adequate quantity of water to stay hydrated.

Tom drink 200ml of water a day for 7 days how many liters does he drink?
