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If you name your daughter Apple she will most likely live a life of harrassment and name calling.

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Q: Is it mean of you to name your daughter Apple?
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yes she named it apple.... right? It is a boy not sure of name Apple is Gwenth Peltro's daughter name

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The owner's daughter, since her name is Justice Apple.

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It's either a typo or s/he works for Apple. It may mean that that a letter is missing; female Irish surnames begin with "ní" before the main name,meaning daughter of.

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The daughter of cenzie

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It was named after Steve Jobs' daughter, Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs.

Was Apple's mother drunk when she named her?

I think so LOL!!! What a dumb name who knows what Gwyneth was thinking to name her daughter APPLE...that kid will have a complex when she is older and she will probably change her name can you imagine "Apple come get the apple I just cut up for you to eat". Apple where are you come inside for bedtime now!! BROTHER way to go Gwyneth!

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It's a mother and daughter business. Shaw is part of the daughter's name and the mothers name is Deborah

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there is no apple u might mean luvli a cute name for a luvli is lovely

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it means to be the daughter of the powerful one from hell

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