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As with most things,"the less anything is on or used the longer it will last". As you sleep at night your life's clock continues to run and eventually you will die, so it goes with most everything. "Off" for inanimate things is better than "sleep" This is why we turn off the TV, the car, lights when not in use.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

It is best to turn the machine completely off. If you are sure you are not going to be using the machine for the rest of the night, then putting the computer in sleep mode may waste power.

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Q: Is it better to shut down or put a laptop to sleep at night?
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I am not sure exactly what you mean by this question, but I thing you mean, "When you put your laptop into sleep mode does it shut down?" the answer to the question I just stated would be: When you put your laptop into sleep mode, it does not shut down, it just turns the screen blank to save battery power. To exit out of sleep mode you can either move around your mouse, or press any button on your keyboard. Once you do this, all the windows that you had up when you turned your computer to sleep, should still be on your screen. Hope this helped!

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