You should ignore her and then tell her that lie and spreading rumors is not good.
ignore them
Just ignore it and it will go away. I promise :) I've had rumors spread about me before and as long as you keep your head high you can get through it.
Hearing something through grapevine is to learn of something informally and unofficially by means of gossip and rumor. The best way to handle or respond to gossip and rumors is to simply ignore it.
Malicious code
No, the two of them do not hate one another, just malicious old rumors once again...
Ignore them. Just ignore them.
ignore the rumors as long as you know that they are not true dont listen and tell your friend that too they should stop worrying about what other people think
That was Queen Marie Antoinette (1755 - 1793). It was only malicious rumors, she even spent less the all the former Queens of France.
Christine feared that the new girl's growing popularity threatened her exclusive reign over the student body, so she began to spread malicious rumors about her.