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Q: Is clusters logically part of the hard disk?
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Is hard disk is peripheral device?

No,hard disk is not a peripheral device it is esseintial part of computer

Where is the OS in a computer?

The OS is stored in the Hard Disk of the computer.

If you would be a part of a computer what would you be?

The 'ON' button, the hard disk...

What is the most important part of the system unit?

the hard disk

What is base casting in hard disk?

Base casting is mounted on the bottom of a hard drive disk unit. It is part of the intelligent circuit board that is wired there.

Where is hard disk on mother board?

a hard disk is a disk inside the hard drive that stores information. A computer's hard disk, or hard drive, is not a part of or mounted on the motherboard, or any of the computer's circuit boards. The drive is installed into some part of the frame within the computer. Its location is not important, because the user does not have to physically access the drive. The hard drive does, however, have a data connection to the motherboard, over which information is transferred to and from the drive.

What is the main part in a ipod?

The main part is called the HArd disk or magnetic disk because thi sprovides the sound that travels from the iPod, all the way throgh the wores to the head phones. This is the main part because withoud the Hard disk you would never be able to hear only be able to, see.

Is the hard disk have mu metal?

Yes It is the part that attached to magnet in HDD.

Is the hard disk drive is part of the motherboard?

No, a hard disk drive is not a part of the motherboard. The mother board is the actual processing unit of the cpu. It performs all the operations and calculations etc while the hard disk is the memory storage unit of the computer. The hard disk is where all the pictures, file, movies, documents etc. are stored in the computer. These files are of course accessed by the motherboard as nothing can happen without the motherboard!

What is used to organize a hard drive?

A file system is used to organize a hard drive. This is part of the operating system that deals with how files are written to and read from the disk, and how the disk is organized.

What is platters in term of operating system?

A round magnetic plate that is part of the hard disk. Hard disks can contain up to a dozen platters.

Is disk controller a part of system unit?

If by "system unit," you mean the main part of the computer, then yes. In the past, all disk controllers were plugged into the motherboard. Nowadays, the motherboards all come with disk controllers, at least for SATA (and sometimes SAS) hard drives.