

Best Answer

Non-stop like everyday, YES! Because you need rest,

But If Your Body is sort of modified like your hyper or good eye sight no matter what light it is in then the answer is, Not really...

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Q: Is being in the computer for a really long time bad?
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In computer terminology, a time-out is a period in which a device or other computer does not respond, or the time limit on how long it has to respond. There is often a limit given on how long the computer will wait for the other device. After that time limit, it is assumed that the device or computer will not respond. So if you set a time-out value to 45 seconds, it means that after 45 seconds, the computer will no longer wait and assume that whatever component or computer is defective or missing.

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Not really. It's bad for your eyes to stare at a computer screen for a really long time, you end up getting unfit and more lazy and you eventually want to just sit there and play the game and you lose interest in what you used to like doing.

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If I was seeking this kind of information, I would have to test out the cartridge over a long period of time. Cause the answer could really vary if you use it at different times.

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It just depends on what type of computer you have. If your computer is slow it will take longer to load. I tried it and it takes a really long time loading. You just have to be patient.

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Yeah, of course. If you like, have the time to finish your homework, then get on the computer to do research. Because sometimes, simply saying, textbooks only tends to give you overviews at time, but for really detailed answers, look on internet. Also being able to use the computer at school makes doing homework a lot easier, so as long you are not playing games behind your teacher's back.

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A really long time