indigo Marie ford
Yes, She is black and white She wears extentions. Her hair lengh goes to her shoulders. She just adds peices on
Pokemon Indigo is not a real version, you're is counterfeit
hell no
No, I actuall follow/got follwed by them on twitter. Nicole Vanity is such a doll, that's her real name. & I found out Dahvie Vanity isn't his name, it's David Jesus Torres. Dahvie Vanity is just a stage name.
No, I assume for Scotty it's the same but Dahvie Vanity is a stage name. Dahvie's real name is David Jesus Torres. So yeahh
yes, they are real sisters
Allie Russo
David Jesus Torres is Dhavie Vanity's (VOCALS/KEYBOARD for Blood on The Dance Floor) full name.
An indigo child Is a child who has spirital powers and access to the enchanted spellboard. For more info search online.