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Q: Is an argument against the use of the copy and paste function in the EHR?
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What between copy and paste and cut and paste?

Copy function will leave copied text or graphic as it is, while Cut function will delete text or graphic but you can still paste it.

Can you copy and paste with the Microsoft Word free trial?

Yes. Copy and paste is a function of Windows, not just MS Word.

How do you copy a c function?

Copy and paste. Read the documentation for the editor you are using.

How do you copy a function to another cell in excel?

Copy and Special Paste formulas.

What is a function that is usually used in conjunction with cut or paste?


When argument are passed by value the function works with the original arguments in the calling program?

When a function is passed by value the calling function makes a copy of the passed argument and works on that copy. And that's the reason that any changes made in the argument value does gets reflected to the caller.

What mobiles have a copy and paste function?

not sure, but iphone (all generations) does

When do you use cut and not paste function?

If you cut you will delete what you cut. When you paste something first you have to copy something and then you paste it. Then when you paste it some where the thing you copied will appear.

What is mean by'pass by value'?

If you mean 'call by value' then, it means a method of passing argument to a function in c++. In this a copy of argument is passed to function and changes are not reflected.

When can you use cut and not the paste function?

When you cut something you will delete what you cut. When you paste something first you will have to copy something and when you paste it you will have what you copied in the paper you paste what you copied. So if you want to delete something, cut it and if you want to have the same thing in a paper from the computer copy and then paste.

When can you use cut and not paste function?

When you cut something you will delete what you cut. When you paste something first you will have to copy something and when you paste it you will have what you copied in the paper you paste what you copied. So if you want to delete something, cut it and if you want to have the same thing in a paper from the computer copy and then paste.

Some situations where you might use cut without using the paste function?

Both cut and copy are used in conjuction with paste. Think of some situations where you might use cut without using the paste function