Lets put it this way: when working hard in the summer months, we as humans get very warm/hot, so we put on the air conditioning to try cool us down. It is the same principle in a computer, it is working hard doing processes, calculations and roles, so it needs some type of cooling system to keep it at a constant temperature so that is doesn't overheat and shutdown or the components don't start melting.... the "air conditioner" in a computer is called a Fan
-Hope this helps.
it was invented in 1876 by will carris.
kindly advice me the telephone number of service manager LG airconditioner at noida
you have it; it is 1.5 tonn
Willis Haviland Carrier is the inventor of air-conditioner.
Does it have an airconditioner ? Of course it does - 134a.
3-1/2 TON Airconditioner
From its nameplate data.
Could you be a bit more clear please?
Five ton