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An Excel Function is a instruction to excel to perform some built in task or calculation.

E.g. The function SUM(A1:A10) tells Excel to sum up all the values in cells A1, down to A10 and put the result in the cell where you typed it.

A formula is an expression that produces a result and may include functions.

E.g. A1+A2 tells Excel to sum the values in cells A1 and A2 only.

Another example of a formula is A1+SUM(A2:A10)

Both formulas and functions must be preceded by the equals sign for Excel to understand them.
A formula is statement written by the user to be calculated. Formulas can be as simple or as complex as the user wants. A formula can contain values, references to cells, defined names, and functions.

All formulas must start with the equals sign.


A function is a piece of code designed to calculate specific values and are used inside formulas. Functions to sum values, calculate a trigonometric cosine, and to calculate the current time are built into excel. Additional functions can be defined using Visual Basic.

Functions are typed alongside parenthesizes, where in the arguments if any are listed in between. To use functions in a formula, for example

=COS(3.14) will return the calculated cosine.

=NOW() returns the current time.

=SUM(1+2+3) *2 will multiply the sum by 2
A formula is any equation with a subject; e.g. y = 3x + 4.

A function uses a formula that produces a single value y for every valid subject x.

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11y ago

Sort of... A formula can use a function. A formula is a calculation on a spreadsheet. A function is a pre-defined formula built into Excel.

An example of a function is SUM.

An example of a formula using a function is =SUM(A1:A3).

An example of a formula not using a function is =A5+C5

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False. A nested function is a function within another function, so it would be in the same formula. An alternative to nesting would be to put a separate function in a different cell and use its result in the other formula. In that case it would not have to be put in the cell below the first formula.

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Type the formula directly in the cell or the formula. Use formula AutoComplete. Select a function from the Function Library group, or click the Insert Function button to select a function from the Insert Function dialog. Use AutoSum

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A nested formula is where one or more functions are placed inside another function to make a formula. For example you can write a formula where you put an IF function within an IF function and this would be a nested formula.

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In a spreadsheet a built in formula is called?

In a spreadsheet a built-in formula is called a function.

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Yes, functions can be part of a formula. You can have a formula without a function, but any function when used is a formula.

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everything is the purpose of Formula !

Can you replace a formula with its function so it can remain constant?

No but if you replace a constant with a function it will remain a formula

Is changing a function to a formula not an example of what-if analysis?

In Excel, a working function is already a formula. A function is defined as being a built-in formula. So in that sense you cannot change a function into a formula, as it already is one. It can also be part of a formula. A formula can contain many functions. Changing a function does not necessarily constitute what-if analysis. A lot of what-if analysis is done by changing values that formula use rather than formulas themselves.

Can you replace a formula with its function so it remains constant?

No but if you replace a constant with a function it will remain a formula