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No. It is a tool used to logically organise the files on a hard drive to increase access speed of these files when being accessed by a program. It has no association with formatting.

Formatting is completely different from disk defragmentation. Many times files pulls out from their usual place, and defragmentation only puts them back to their places so that for the next time they can be accessed conveniently.

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Q: Is a disk defragmenter a windows utility that is commonly used to format secondary devices?
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Which Windows utility arranges files on the hard drive in sequential order?

Disk Defragmenter

What is the purposes of program?

Tune up utilities program helps you find the problems in your computer and fix them for you and help increasing your computer's performance Utility programs are individual programming sections in an operating system used to interact with hardware directly. It is a type of system software that tuneup over all performance of the computer system such utility programs are defragmenter and scandisk as well as backups data on secondary storage devices through backup utility software.

What is the purpose of a program?

Tune up utilities program helps you find the problems in your computer and fix them for you and help increasing your computer's performance Utility programs are individual programming sections in an operating system used to interact with hardware directly. It is a type of system software that tuneup over all performance of the computer system such utility programs are defragmenter and scandisk as well as backups data on secondary storage devices through backup utility software.

IS Disk Defragmenter is a Windows utility that is commonly used to format secondary devices?

No. It is a tool used to logically organise the files on a hard drive to increase access speed of these files when being accessed by a program. It has no association with formatting. Formatting is completely different from disk defragmentation. Many times files pulls out from their usual place, and defragmentation only puts them back to their places so that for the next time they can be accessed conveniently.

Scattered pieces of files on the hard drive can be regrouped into sequential order using what kind of utility?

Disk Defragmenter

What is utility software designed for?

Utility software enhances the operation of the Operating System.

What if your operating system is taking a long time to open files on your system You want to organize the content on your hard?

Disk Defragmenter utility

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Disk Defragmenter.

What is The Windows utility that is designed to reorganize the data on your hard drive so that your computer runs more efficiently is called?

Disk Defragmenter

What can you do about a fragmented drive?

A fragmented drive results in slow read and write operations as the files are scattered all over the hard disk. Microsoft Windows provides defragmenter utility to defragment the hard drive. Go to Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> Defragmenter

What settings are commonly configurable through the BIOS setup utility?

List settings commonly configurable through the BIOS setup utility.

Can you delete the utility apps?

No, you cannot. Any utility apps that come with your devices are necessary and cannot be deleted.