WiFi doesnt need a contract. Only 3G does.
Question: Does the iPad run on WiFi or do you need a contract? Answer: It is your choice, you can choose a Apple iPad WiFi + 3G or a normal Appe iPad WiFi. If you get the one without the 3G you can run it on WiFi only and not pay a monthly contract fee, the only thing you will pay for is the internet service.
With the announcement that the iPad would continue Apple's Granted, the iPad doesn't support voice calling nor does it require a contract, very lacking and basic at this point, apple is capable of doing much better
If you are interested to get an iPad Contract, get at least a 3G iPad and sign up with the a service provider. Mostly, these iPads are sold at stores under particular service providers like Sprint or AT&T. If you buy any of these iPads under a service provider, you will have to sign up for a contract.
The iPad has the ability to store thousands of apps which can be used from anything to playing games to trading stocks. You can read books on the iPad. The iPad is basically a handheld computer.
it depends on which type of contract you are on
the wifi version does not have a contract anywhere the 3g version does
$15 per month 250mb and $30 per month unlimited.
If you have a 3G contract for your iPad then you will generally be able to access the internet from any location (providing you are in range) If you only have a WiFi compatible iPad (i.e. you don't pay a monthly contract) then you will only be able to access the internet when you are connected to a WiFi connection.
Yes u can buy an ipad 3 withouth a contract of 4g or just with wifi and use it in the beautifull carrabien
Yes, it will be unlocked and the data plan will be month to month. No contract.