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No. The number of cores don't necessarily correlate with practical speed. The efficient operation of both cores depends on the operating system and the software you use. For single-threaded tasks, a faster clock speed would help you more than additional cores.

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14y ago

No. Multiple cores does not mean performance is equal to [number of cores] times [performance of single core processor]. While a multi-core processor does have a performance advantage over a single-core processor, gains are usually in the ballpark of 15% per core. For example, comparing the Core Solo and Core Duo.

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13y ago

Not even close! Here's a good analogy: The Pentium 4 is a single-core processor at a 2.00 GHz clock speed. Say it's a weightlifter. It can lift, say, 200 pounds. A 1.97 GHz dual-core, if it were a weightlifter, would be able to hold 197 pounds in each arm, for a total of 394 pounds. A dual-core, though sometimes a bit slower than a single-core in terms of raw speed, has much more power in that it works like two single-core processors!

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12y ago

No it is not, You see the dual core is two processors meaning there are more then one processors doing work at that time. the 4GHz processor is only one processor. So only one processor doing work. Normally the reason why they made dual core is because at speeds faster the 3GHz gets really hot very fast. In this case yo should go with the 4 GHz it is more powerful but it the dual core was even with the single core you always go with the dual because it works better which means less work on the cores it's self

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15y ago

aroun 9% increase in speed.

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Q: Is a 1.8 Ghz dual core the same as a 4 Ghz processor?
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Is a single core processor as fast as a dual core 1.8 with the same memory?

Yes, and no. A 1.8 Ghz processor will process things at... 1.8 Ghz. A dual core processor will process things at 1.8Ghz. A dual core, however, can process many different things at the same time alot easier and efficiently then a single core processor can. For games, applications, ect, if the program can be multithreaded, then you will see a huge increase in computing speeds for the program. As for games, anything more then 2.6 Ghz is not needed. The extra money needed to bump up from a 1.8 Ghz processor to, say, a 2.8 Ghz, would be more then enough money to buy you a much better processor.

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yes the minimum spec is a GHz processor you should be fine.

You have 2.8 ghz Intel core 2 duo processor mean that the CPU has 5.6 ghz?

No. A Dual-Core Processor means there are 2 separate cores, each running at 2.8 GHz. The workload is split between the two, giving a combined 5.6 GHz processing power, but they will not work together on the same thing.

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dual core with 2.7 is enough. And you can chooose a better graphics card too. That is better

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2.5 GHz is better than 2.1 GHz. It is because it is the latest processor. It will be faster than 2.1 GHz.

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It depends on the processor, if its a dual core or quad, possibly, it depends if the Sims 3 is a single or multi threaded application, which i don't now, and the processor type

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Yes, because the computer with a 2.4 GHz dual core works nearly twice as fast than a 2.5 single core.

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Duo Core means that it has DUAL CORES, meaning 2 cores. So if its a 2.0 GHz Duo Core that means that you double that # and you get 4.0 GHz total. Basically the more cores and the higher GHz, the faster the processor is.

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Intel is the maker of Core 2 Duo Processor T6500 which was released in the second quarter of 2009. T6500 is a 64-bit dual-core processor with a clock speed of 2.1 GHz.

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