

Is CPU a program

Updated: 11/9/2022
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12y ago

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yes cpu is a program which is used to run moniter

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Q: Is CPU a program
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Which component executes program instructions?

The CPU executes program instructions.

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What are the uses of CPU?

Proccessing, mostly every program is run using it.

What is CPU idle time?

Time when your CPU(Central Processing Unit) is idle(not being used by any program).

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the large program that contorls how the CPU communicates with other hard ware is what?

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the microprocessor

What chip of a CPU reads program instructions?

The instruction register.

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The CPU is hardware, the "monitor program" is software that runs on the CPU. They are very different things having different and incompatible implementations.

Why machine language program written from one computer will not run on another computer with different CPU?

I'm assuming it has to do with the architecture of the CPU.

What does one do with a CPU Chart?

Once the program 3DMark has finished benchmarking you will see a list of the various tests it has run. The CPU chart will show how one's CPU stood up against other CPU's and computer configurations.

How can one monitor a CPU?

With a software program like speedfan, or others