170.34 liters. U.S. gallons are different from imperial gallons. 1 Imperial gallon is equal to 4.54609188 litres and 1 US gallon is equal to 3.78541178 litres. Liters on the other hand are the same everywhere. One liter equals 0.26 U.S. gallon or 0.219 Imperial gallon.
A gallon is more than 3 liters 1 US gallon is equal to about 3.785 liters. 1 Imperial gallons is equal to about 4.546 liters.
1 gallon is equal to approximately 3.785 liters.
One UK gallon of petrol is about 4.546 liters whereas one US gallon is about 3.785 liters.
no 1 gallon = 3.78 liters
Close, 1 US gallon and 2 pints is equal to 4.732 Liters.
One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters.
No, 2 1.75 liters of whiskey is not equal to 1 gallon. 1 gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.78 liters, so 2 1.75 liters bottles would be a total of 3.5 liters, which is less than 1 gallon.
No, 1.7 liters is closer to half a US gallon or a third of an imperial gallon.
About 3,785.4 mL to equal one US gallon.
There are approximately 4.55 liters in 1 British gallon.
This depends on the type of gallon. They are approximately equal. 1 US Gallon = 3.785 liters < 4 liters < 4.546 liters = 1 Imperial gallon 4 liters = 1.057 US gallons = 0.880 imperial gallons