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Paragraph box

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Q: In which dialogue box are you able to control line spacing?
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What dialog box are you able to control line spacing?


What does Control 1.5 do in Microsoft Word?

Control 1 sets single line spacing. Control 5 sets 1.5 line spacing. Pressing Control 1.5 will set the document to single line spacing and then to 1.5 line spacing.

Is double spacing set to 1.5 line spacing or 2.0 line spacing?

Double spacing is set to 2.0 line spacing.

The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called?

Word 2007 - Line spacing

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which of the following line-spacing options sets fixed line spacing that word does not adjust

Does the term line of dialogue mean literally one line or a string of dialogue?

The term "line of dialogue" simply means a sentence or phrase of dialogue...not literally one line of dialogue.

You adjust what to control the amout of white space in between rows of text?

You need to adjust your line spacing.

How do you set Microsoft word on single space?

For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.For single line spacing a quick way to set it is to press Ctrl and the 1 key. Ctrl - 2 does double line spacing. Ctrl - 5 will do line and a half spacing. You can also do it through the paragraph options.

What is the difference between a paragraph and line spacing?

Line spacing is the spacing between two consecutive lines when you do NOT press the enter key. paragraph spacing is the space between two lines when you DO press the enter key. Line spacing<Para Spacing

What is a paragraph spacing how do you adjust paragraph line spacing give the steps to be followed?

Paragraph spacing refers to the vertical space between paragraphs in a document. To adjust paragraph line spacing in a word processing software like Microsoft Word, you can go to the "Home" tab, find the "Line and Paragraph Spacing" icon, and select the spacing option you prefer, such as single spacing, double spacing, or a custom spacing value. You can also adjust paragraph spacing by right-clicking on the paragraph, selecting "Paragraph", and then changing the line spacing in the dialog box that appears.

What is the default line-spacing setting?

Single line spacing is the default in Microsoft Word.

How many Line Spacing options available in Ms-Word?

There are 6 presents available. However, you can easily create your own settings if you want more line spacing options under the Paragraphs tab: Paragraphs > Indents & Spacing OR Line Spacing > Line Spacing Options... You can even set your newly defined line spacing as the default setting if you wish within that same tab.