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In a Tree (such as a process tree [as seen in this screen-shot ], or a file tree [as seen in this screen-shot ]) the "children" as you aptly described them are generally called "Descendants"

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Q: In tree the children of the same patents are called?
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How are you going to determine if a tree is a binary tree or not?

the tree is the finite set of element is called tree .the binary tree is the finite set of elements its include the parents, left children and right children

Is Harvest Moon Tree of Peace and Tree of Tranquility the same game?

Yes they are the same game. The one released in Japan is the Tree of Peace and the one released in the USA is called the Tree of Tranquility.

What is difference between full binary tree and balanced binary tree?

A binary tree is considered to be balanced if all of the leaves of the tree are on the same level or at least within one level of each other.A binary tree is considered to be full if all of the leaves of the tree are at the same level and every non leaf node has exactly 2 children.

What is a tree lined road called?

Usually an Avenue. A tree-lined walk is called an allee. :)

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It's like what you do on monkey bars to get across,monkeys can swing from tree to tree,what they do is one arm will swing to a branch and grab on then the other arm will swing to the same branch doing the same thing and it repeats but since monkeys are strong they can jump to tree branches

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In the family tree where does the aunt or uncle go?

They would be listed at the same level as your mother or father, because they are the children of your grandparents.

What type of tree do you get out of a tree?

out of a species of tree another tree of the same species is made, so the same type of tree.

Why the coconut tree is called the tree of life?

It is not called The tree of Life.

Does binary tree and binary search tree same?

no they are not same

What do you mean by strictly binary tree?

A strictly binary tree is a tree in which every node other than the leaf nodes has exactly two children. OR in the Graph Theory perspective a tree having it's root vertex with degree 2 and all other non-leaf vertex of degree 3 and leaf vertex of degree 1, is called as the strictly binary tree. it is also called as the 2-tree or full binary tree.

What do you call a dark brown nut of the chestnut tree?

Chestnut or as we always called them as children 'conkers' xx