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IP Datagram

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Q: In the context of tcpip a packet is also known as?
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What are two TCPIP command line utilities?

1. ping, to test network layerconnectivity also called L3 connectivity. 2. traceroute, to trace how a packet reaches its destination, and to analyse routing problems if any.

What is the meaning of enterprise in context of Bank?

Any business entity is also known as enterprise.

How is the execution context of a process used by the operating system?

Also known as the process state, the execution context is the internal data the Operating system uses to control or supervise a process.

Is an updated digital version of X.25 that also relies on packet switching.?

____ is an updated, digital version of X.25 that also relies on packet switching.

What is Byzantium called?

byzantium, also known as byzantion, is nowadays called istanbul. or am i not answering this question in the correct context?

What is the conext diagram for the school?

DFD diagram stands for Data flow diagram . DFD are also known as Context diagram.

What is synonym for prime factorization in math?

The prime factorisation theorem is also known as the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. So in that context, it does.

What was a loaf of bread?

A packet of bread is also a loaf of bread.

What are the advantages of packet foods?

The advantages of packet food are the fact they stay fresh longer. Also they can be easily transported to wherever you need to go.

What is a packet of dry yeast?

It is a foil packet, often 1 tablespoon, of loose yeast. Yeast is also sold in cakes or loafs. or in a jar of loose yeast.

What does TRW stand for in the context of credit reports?

TRW Group, also known as TRW Information Services is now known as Experian, and is a company that focuses on providing credit reports to those who require them.

What is talking or writing about a prediction known as?

It depends on the context and how it is done. It could just be called predicting, but it could also be called prophecy.