Citroen c4
Milpal 4, HBD-2, C-22, C-18, Azmil 26, C4-63, C4-137, C-168, C-12:)
If that's + c3, the answer is c(c - 1)(c + 1)(c + 1)
A set F below middle C refers to the notes F3-G3-A3-Bb3-C4, which are all consecutive notes below middle C (C4).
If you use relative address, the formula would be =D1+D3. If you used absolute references, the formula would be =$B$1+$B$3.
A cell reference is the address of the cell like A1 or B20 or C45. A cell value is what is actually in the cell. So in cell A1 you could have 23, in B20 you could have 190 and in C45 you could have 3461.
A c-4 transmission has 3 gears.
First, there cannot be a cell called C4A2, so that can be assumed that you have left an operator out. So presuming your formula would be =B3-C4-A2, then when copying to the right, the column references will all change by one letter. B3 would become C3. C4 would become D4. A2 would become B2. So the formula =B3-C4-A2 would become =C3-D4-A2 when copied one cell to the right. The operators will not change, just the cell references.
The intervals in a C major chord (C4 E4 G4) are a major third (C to E), a minor third (E to G), and a perfect fifth (C to G).
A is proportional to C4.