A computer generally has four major components: Input device, Output device, Storage, CPU
Sending computer system and equipment ( sending unit transmits a signal)to a modem ( that can perform many tasks)telecommunications ( medium is any material that carries a electronic signal to support communications )to another modem ( connected to the receiving device )the receiving unit ( receives the signal )the process is reversed.
It is commonly referred to as an 'output' device because it (typically) does not send information back to the computer. A mouse would be considered and 'input' device because it is sending information back to the computer.
It is commonly referred to as an 'output' device because it (typically) does not send information back to the computer. A mouse would be considered and 'input' device because it is sending information back to the computer.
"PCI communications device" is displayed in the Device Manager when Windows does not have a driver for a PCI device that is used for networking in some fashion. It could be a dial-up modem, Ethernet controller, or a wireless card. You will need to download drivers from your computer manufacturer to display a more specific name in the Device Manager and make the yellow question mark go away.
Yes, a telegraph is a device for sending messages. It sends telegrams.
It means that either the "communications buss" or a connector has failed or the computer or some device on the buss has failed.
The main difference is in their functions. An input device sends a signal to a main system to be translated, such as a keyboard sending input to a computer. An output device takes a translated signal from the system and relays it, such as a speaker playing music from a computer.
A modem. Short for MOdulate-DEModulate.
Connecting any device to a computer needs several things. One is the ability of the device to store information in a form that is computer readable. Then what you need is a connection that allows a cable to be be plugged into the device and the other end of the cable to be plugged into a computer. The ability for computer to make any sense of what the device is sending it is the final thing you need. If you do not have some or all of those things you cannot import contacts from anything to anything