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'Toggle' enables you to switch between open applications or screens.

In Excel, Ctrl-Tab will switch between consecutive spreadsheets with each press of Tab. Keep the Ctrlbutton down throughout this procedure.

In Excel, Alt-Tab will show all open applications across a mini-screen. Choose which one you want by toggling along them with each press of Tab. Keep the Alt button down throughout this process, releasing both keys when the required application is highlighted in the mini-screen.

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Q: In Excel what does toggle mean?
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Toggle button

What are toggle buttons in Excel?

Toggle buttons turn something on or off. Good examples are the Bold, Italic and Underline buttons. When they are on, their particular formatting is used and when they are off, that formatting is not used.

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It means to change or to convert.

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Mean Toggle.

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I'm going to guess that by "toggle" you mean "tassel" which would make the hat you're describing a "fez".

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There is no shortcut key to do this, but you can press Alt + W + F + F in Excel 2007 to access menu options to toggle between freeze and unfreeze panes. (I do not remember if this same sequence works with Excel 2003; you might just have to press F one time in Excel 2003.)

Shows which toggle keys are engaged?

There is no longer any indicators built into Excel to indicate the status of a toggle key, such as the caps lock. Older versions (especially DOS versions) used to have an indicator bar at the bottom of the screen, but that was removed a long time ago; I do not know which version changed that procedure. Now, you need to look at your keyboard or other indicator to tell the state of the keys. Some verisons of Excel pop up a small box at the bottom right corner of the screen letting you know when you change the state of a toggle key, but the box remains only for a few seconds.

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Can you troubleshoot in excel?

Depends on what you mean by troubleshoot. Excel does have several auditing functions and error messages.