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Use the freeze panes option.

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Q: In Excel how do you make it so the first row in this case field titles stays visible at the top of the window even when you scroll down?
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What is it when Excel displays titles on screen no matter how far you scroll?

Freeze Pane

What does Excel allow you to do so that it will display titles on the screen no matter how far down you scroll?

The function you are looking for is Freeze Pane, to accomlish this, simply do the following.Excel 2003Go To: Window > Freeze PaneExcel 2007Go To: View > Freeze Pane

When is freezing a title used in Excel?

When you have a lot of data with titles at the top of the columns and/or the start of the rows, and to see the data you may have to scroll. When this happens, normally the titles would scroll off the screen, but if they are frozen, then they will stay on the screen, making it easier for the users to know what the data is.

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Within the excel program window is another window referred to as the?

What are scroll bars used for in Microsoft Excel?

Horizontal scroll bars allow you to move the worksheet viewing window left and right. Vertical scroll bars allow you to move the worksheet viewing window up and down. By scrolling around the screen, you will be able to view all the portions of the worksheet. You also can change the view percent to see more or less in the viewing window, but if you make the text too small, you will not be able to read it.

Can you split an excel worksheet window into horizontal and vertical panes?

Yes of cours we can split a worksheet Click the split bar located at the right edge of the horizontal scroll bar. Drag to the left until you reach the column at which you want the worksheet window divided. Release the mouse button. Excel splits the window at that column and adds a second horizontal scroll bar to the other part of the worksheet.

What formula makes Excel show the desired cells no matter where you scroll?

There is no formula that does that. It is an option called freezing the pane. In Excel 2007 you can get to the option from the View tab on the menu ribbon in the Window section. Click on Freeze Panes and select the option you want.

How do you display excel data on an LCD TV and have the data scroll from left to right -?

all you need is a hdmi cable or vga cable based on the port that is supported in your PC (hdmi is latest and provides high visual quality and in addition it will also transmit audio whereas vga will transmit video only). Press function and f4 in the keyboard to project on the lcd screen as external monitor. In lcd tv, you have to select PC source as input to view the excel spreadsheet. Maximize the excel window and you should be seeing vertical and horizontal scroll bars. Sometimes, the horizontal scroll bar is shrunk, you may have to resize the list of tabs shown on the bottom left to view the horizontal scroll bar in the bottom right of the excel window pane. Hope it helps!

How do you display Excel data on an LCD TV and have the data scroll from left to right?

all you need is a hdmi cable or vga cable based on the port that is supported in your PC (hdmi is latest and provides high visual quality and in addition it will also transmit audio whereas vga will transmit video only). Press function and f4 in the keyboard to project on the lcd screen as external monitor. In lcd tv, you have to select PC source as input to view the excel spreadsheet. Maximize the excel window and you should be seeing vertical and horizontal scroll bars. Sometimes, the horizontal scroll bar is shrunk, you may have to resize the list of tabs shown on the bottom left to view the horizontal scroll bar in the bottom right of the excel window pane. Hope it helps!

The act of making titles and labels of an Microsoft Excel document none scrollabel is called what?

Freezin the panes from the menu Window Proud to be of service <a href="">HoloGuides</a>

What is best feature of Microsoft Excel?

That you can scroll down forever.

How resolve Excel Is Waiting For Another Program Ole Action?

Within the Excel program window is another window referred to as the