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In principle, you could 896 MB, however you'll almost certainly have to remove the 128MB memory and replace it (probably with two 512MB). If this is what I think it is, namely a blue and white Apple Power Macintosh G3, the computer had two 64MB DIMMs in it when it shipped. You have three options: Install two 256MB DIMMs (always PC133--the book says PC100, but PC133 is compatible and it's all you can get now anyway) alongside the 64MB DIMMs to have 640MB RAM. Remove one 64MB DIMM and install three 256MB DIMMs for 896MB. Remove both 64MB DIMMs and install four 256MB DIMMs for 1GB.

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Q: If your computer will hold 1GB of memory and it only has 128 MB of memory how much can you add?
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