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Q: If you have more than one criterion to use in a query and you want to see records that meet any of those criteria use an query.?
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What is the plural form of criteria?

The word 'criteria' is the plural form of the singular word 'criterion'. 'Those are the criteria that I used in making my decision.' 'That is the criterion that I used in making my decision.' It is wrong to use the word 'criteria' as a singular. Similarly, it is wrong to use 'phenomena' as a singular. It is the plural form of the singular word 'phenomenon'.

what do you use to fine those records that satisfy some criterion?


What do you use when you are looking for those records that satisfy some criterion?


What is used to view only those records that meet the specified criteria in access?

primary key

How does one restrict the results of a database query to certain specific values?

You can use criteria for fields to restrict what they can show. The criteria could be something like to only show records that have a field with values that are over a certain amount or to only show records that contain specific data. So you could have a list of staff, but only want to show those working in a particular department, or you might have a list of exam results but only want to show people who achieved a score that is higher than a certain amount. You do this by applying criteria to the appropriate field.

What is the best source to create form should it from query or table?

There is no definitive answer to that, as it depends what you want on the form. Ultimately all data comes from tables. If you just want to show all the records as they are you could base the form on the table. However if you want to display only selected records or certain calculations, you might create a query to do those operations and then base the form on the query.

Could you please tell me how to print a form or a report in Microsoft access without the non entered data?

Forms in MS Access are not designed for printing - they are designed for data input. If you print a form you will print out one page for each record in the underlying table or query unless you use the File... Print menu and select a particular page, which will be a record, or group of pages. I don't understand what is meant by non entered data, but to include only a selection of fields base the report on a query that contains only those fields. Add criteria to the query to ensure that only those records you want to see are filtered.

Why is ice in a glacier considered to be a mineral but water from a glacier is not?

Ice in a glacier is considered a mineral because it has a crystalline structure and forms through natural geological processes. Water from a glacier is not considered a mineral because it lacks a crystalline structure and is in a liquid state rather than a solid state.

You are trying to organize a query in Microsoft Access that uses three tables When you add the third the query just stops displaying ANY results what could be causing this and how can it be fixed?

Unfortunately that is difficult to answer without seeing the actual data, the tables, the data types, the relationships and joins between the tables and what specifically you are trying to do. You may need to think it through carefully, and plan out what you are doing. Do it step by step and you may be able to isolate the problem. If it works with two tables, an idea might be to use the output of that query in a new query, if that is possible. That can't be said unless the idea of the query is known. If no data is showing, then the query as it stands is looking for data using criteria that none of your records fulfil at that point. It is also possible that the query is actually fine, but there is no data that meets those requirements, so it doesn't return anything. There are many possibilities for this kind of error. So just think it about it all carefully and you may find what is going wrong or think of another way of doing it.

What is the result of a query called?

I know its either a query set, a recordset, or a task set. I dont know which one it is in those. ? Do you know. ? Need Help. ! ?

How do you add or delete records to a database table?

It depends on the database, but most use some version of something called "structured query language" or SQL, and in that the normal command for adding a record is INSERT while the command for deleting records is DELETE. Look those up in the documentation for your particular database to find the exact syntax it's expecting.

What are the advantages of a parameter query?

Queries allow the user to extract relevant information from a database. So that instead of scanning the whole table, they can pre-define the categories of information which will be sought. Queries also allow the user to join multiple tables. For example, if you have a table called "customers" and a table called "invoices", you can use a query to join the two tables. When you run a query that joins these two tables, you can get results showing the name of the customer (from the customer table) and all associated invoices (from the invoices table). Queries are often used as the basis for reports in Access. Queries don't do the same things as any other part of a database, and so asking for their 'advantages' isn't really valid. They are the only way to extract some of a table's records while ignoring those which don't match the criteria set by the query.