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Your question is unclear. If you mean if you delete a query, then it does not affect the data in the table. Deleting any kind of query does not affect the data in any table it uses. If you mean if you run a Delete query, then yes the data in the table will be deleted. That is what Delete queries are for.

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Q: If you delete query does it delete the original information in the table?
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What kind of query can change the contents of a table A selection query cannot?

There are several types that can do it. A Delete Query, an Update Query and an Append Query can. You can also create and delete entire tables with queries.

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Whether you are designing a table or a query, select the field by clicking beside it in a table or above it in a query, so that it is highlighted. Then press the delete key.

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delete query

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The basic parts of a SQL Select query are: SELECT column names FROM table name WHERE conditions ORDER BY column names The basic parts of an insert query would be: INSERT INTO table name (VALUES) The basic parts of a delete query would be DELETE FROM table name WHERE conditions The basic parts of an update query would be UPDATE TABLE table name SET column name = value WHERE conditions

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To delete records where FirstName is Peter in the Persons Table, you can use the following SQL query: DELETE FROM Persons WHERE FirstName = 'Peter';

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What is a delete query?

A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.

What is the difference between query datasheet and a table datasheet?

A query datasheet displays the results of a query operation, showing data based on specified criteria or calculations. A table datasheet displays the data in a table format, representing information stored in a database table. In essence, a query datasheet is derived from a table datasheet and is dynamic based on the query criteria.

How do you delete all table in a database?

Unless you want to drop (delete) the entire database, you will must delete tables individually. To delete tables individually, execute the query "SHOW TABLES" in your database which will return a list of all table names. Iterate through that resultset and execute "DROP TABLE {$table_name}"

What is the use of execute non query in c?

It is not C, it's SQL. Non-query means DML (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) and DDL (eg CREATE TABLE).

Why do data appear many times on a query using access database?

It will depend on the design of your table and your query. If you have done something like brought the table in twice into the design of the query you will get multiple records. There are occasions when you would need to bring in the same table twice, but usually you don't. If you have it in twice it will list records multiple times. Go to the design view of the query and if you see the table there more than once, delete the extra copies of it, so that there is only one. Then design your query and it should be ok.

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It need to export data in the table, for instance, as a string, and after that delete the table. edit mode