When people block you from their askfm how do you know?
When you ask someone a question on ask.fm how do you know if
they block you?
How do you delete a friend on Skype?
Block them and it will not unfriend him.
If a guy keeps calling you on Skype does he like you?
I would like to provide you with s practical answer; however,
before I do, can you let me know what "skype" has to do with
someone liking you or not?
How do you block friends on Skype?
Login and open skype, than click and highlight the contacts name
you want to block, right click again and pick from the menu either
to delete or block the contact
I edited my friends name on my skype but now he has a new name
and I dont know what it is, and I dont know how to set it back to
his original name. anyone know? Sorry i couldnt figure out how to
put this description with the question lol