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You could have a formula in each of the cells A2 to A12 which adds a starting value from another cell to a value in a set cell, which could be your 4 or 8. In the formula the cell where the 4 or 8 is would be an absolute in the formulas in A2 to A12. That is not an ideal solution, depending on where the values in A2 to A12 are coming from. You may just want a value rather than a formula in those cells.

Another solution, if the cells from A2 to A12 have values rather than formulas, is to do the following. Type your 4 or 8 into a cell. Then copy it. Then select the cells A2 to A12. Go to Paste Special and in the operations section choose Add. This will add the copied value onto the cells that have been selected, replacing the values in A2 to A12 with new values. So if 14 had been in A2 and 8 was your copied value, A2 would now have the value 22 in it. You can do the same kind of operation using the subtract, to take 4 from your figures. Multiply and divide are also available.

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Q: If there is set of figures or percentages in a range of cells e.g A2 to A12. Is there a way I can change the figures globally e.g. increase all figures in the range by 8 or reduce all figures by 4?
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