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You need to convert it to iTunes format using Videora iPod converter, it is quite simple: First you must download it ( after it is installed at the top there will be various tabs, Home Convert etc... Go on to the Convert tab, select convert (next to Progress, under Convert) and select power mode(make sure your file is .VOB file) select it, choose the destination make sure it is set for the right type of device, click start converting and there you have it. If you want to know how to get DVD's on your computer use this website to get the software FREE.

Hope this has helped


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Q: I keep trying to bring a movie file into my ITunes library the file size is 447 MB and it's about 2 hours long but it doesn't show up how may I get this file into my Itunes library?
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try updating your itunes your ipod might be newer or you itunes older

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AnswerGuess I just made the short - sighted mistake of updating my iTunes software to the latest version!! Guess now I have to wait till the hackers play leapfrog again. Annoying thing is I own both computers (one home, one business) & just want the same collection on both. Am I asking too much??Don't worry, you can use your iPod as a HDD to transfer your iTunes library to another iTunes & computer.Check the tutorial bellow, it will show you how to make it step-by-step.

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On the newest version of itunes you can import multiple songs from your Windows Media Player library into your itunes library at one time. This method also works for videos. Make sure all the songs or vidoes you desire to move are saved into one file in your documents. Open itunes, click file, click add folder to library, select the folder and click OK. If your files need converting your itunes will automatically do it for you. If you wish to put only one song or video in your itunes library Open itunes, click file, click add file to library, select your file and click OK.

Hiya my itunes has wont load i installed itunes 8 and it wont open keeps sayin cant run files missin ive loaded an older itunes but still the same can you help?

just keep on trying, bud.

Is the show the middle on itunes?

No! I was trying to find it also however it is in available :(

How do you revert to iTunes 6 for windows XP error message The file iTunes Lirary Itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes?

You can't, they were created with the later version of iTunes. The latest is 8.2 and just download that, why wouldn't you. If you are trying to use multi -plugin it won't work anyway.

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make sure you are logged in when you burn it

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wow this is cool I have a iTunes Card Code and it worked! I got it at