perhaps you mean ROM, but your question is unclear. not all computers have ROM. some ROM is indeed writable (e.g. PROM, UVPROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash ROM), but writing is much slower than reading and often requires nonstandard voltages not normally available in the operating computer. early ROM technologies even required physical rewiring of their circuits to change their contents... but it could be changed.
my mom
Read/write memory is memory that can be read and can be changed.
Its a memory that can be read and changed
Random Access Memory is also known as the Main Memory or the Internal Memory.
rom values are permanent and we cant change its value.....we can only read but cant write it
ROM is Read Only Memory. It holds the codes put there by the manufacture, and is used to start the loading of the Operating System.
read: moving data from file to memory write: moving data from memory to file
The key concept with ROM is that the system can READ this memory, but cannot(normally) write to this memory.