Try putting the pet mouse up for adoption. There are websites that are set up for pet adoption. Local classified ads would work as well. You can also make a flyer and post at local pet stores or at your veterinarian's office if they have a bulletin board.
Well If you wanted a pet mouse you shold go to the pet shop or vet and look around find the mouse you want and talk to the shop/vet owner and exsplain that you want the mouse but you have got a cat and then they will sort the rest out and if they think the cat will eat the mouse they will sort something out. Well If you wanted a pet mouse you shold go to the pet shop or vet and look around find the mouse you want and talk to the shop/vet owner and exsplain that you want the mouse but you have got a cat and then they will sort the rest out and if they think the cat will eat the mouse they will sort something out. Well If you wanted a pet mouse you shold go to the pet shop or vet and look around find the mouse you want and talk to the shop/vet owner and exsplain that you want the mouse but you have got a cat and then they will sort the rest out and if they think the cat will eat the mouse they will sort something out.
If you don't want to take care of your hamsters any longer, bring them to the pet store, bring them to a vet, bring them to a friend. But never release a pet into the wild
Make sure the mouse isn't a mother. If you capture it, it's babies will die most likely in your house. Whatever you do, don't keep it as a pet. If you like mice, get a couple female mice at a pet store, and give them a big cage with a wheel, and place to sleep.
Hamster because mice stink and hamster like to play more than mice. If you want a playful pet choose hamster an if you want a pet that will just sit around in the cage then the mouse is for you!
yes it will sorry if you have one that ran away!
the best mouse to keep for a pet is female fancy mouse
You should let your pet decide that! When your pet doesn't want to play with you anymore, he or she will automatically leave or walk away. When they do that, don't force your pet to play anymore. Xox, Smartiiz.there really isn't a time
Did abe lincoln have a pet mouse
Lennie wanted to pet the mouse as he walked as he loves to pet soft things.Once his aunt Clara used to give him mice to pet but she stopped giving them to him because he was petting them too hard and killing them.
He wants to pet it with his thumb
i dont think you should because it is a pest and not god for your house