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To change the listing order of a playlist in iTunes right click on each track and select Get Info. Click on the Sorting button and enter the name you want to use for sorting into the Sort Name box. Ideally you would fill in this information when first adding the tracks to your library.

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Q: ITunes playlists non-alphabetically
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Can you Transfer RDIO playlists to Itunes?

RDIO playlists cannot be transferred to iTunes. However, if you already have and use iTunes, it is very easy to transfer iTunes playlists to RDIO.

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The Windows Media Player and iTunes use different formats for their playlists. Depending on which version of Media Player you have you can save your playlist as an .m3u file type and then import that into iTunes using the menus - File/Library/Import playlists

How do delete playlists from an ipod?

You can delete them from the computer on iTunes.

How do you delete music on iPod?

To delete music from the iPod, you must delete it from iTunes or from certain playlists on iTunes. Then install the revised library or playlists onto your iPod, and it will replace the old collection of music that was on it.

Can you rename playlists?

Playlists in iTunes can be renamed by double clicking on the name and entering a new name into the editable text box that opens.

How do you get your LimeWire music to go directly to iTunes?

drag the songs from Limewire directly into your iTunes "playlists" (drag & drop).

How do you get to your iTunes library?

First, click on music. Then go to playlists. Your songs will be listed there.---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Can you have more than one playlist on iTunes?

Yes. Click on "File" and "New Playlist," and a new playlist will appear on the left of your screen, under the section "Playlists." However, all playlists must be built from the iTunes library, which is a catalogue of all your music.

How do you create a free remix of music on iTunes?

iTunes 8 has a playlist called iTunes DJ (if not listed with the Playlists activate it from the General section of the Preferences) which will create a mix of your music.

If you sync your iPod with your computer does it update your iTunes with the ratings from your iPod Can you make and keep on the go playlists?

yes if you have the playlist in itunes drag it onto your ipod.

Does genusis playlists on iTunes cost?

No genius is used to take one song on your itunes then it takes songs similar to that and creates a playlist based on songs YOU have in YOUR library. BUT it can create suggestions for you to purchase off itunes.

What does genius do for iTunes?

on my itunes it says "Genius makes playlists from songs in your library that go great together with just one click"