

Best Answer

I finally took the time to do this myself:

@echo off


color f0



SET Today=%Date: =0%

SET Year=%Today:~-4%

SET Month=%Today:~-10,2%

SET Day=%Today:~-7,2%



SET Leap=0

FOR %%A IN (1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1

FOR %%A IN (2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040 2044 2048 2052 2056) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1

FOR %%A IN (2060 2064 2068 2072 2076 2080 2084 2088 2092 2096) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1

FOR %%A IN (2104 2108 2112 2116 2120 2124 2128 2132 2136 2140) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1

FOR %%A IN (2144 2148 2152 2156 2160 2164 2168 2172 2176) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1



if %Month%==01 set Month=1

if %Month%==02 set Month=2

if %Month%==03 set Month=3

if %Month%==04 set Month=4

if %Month%==05 set Month=5

if %Month%==06 set Month=6

if %Month%==07 set Month=7

if %Month%==08 set Month=8

if %Month%==09 set Month=9

if %Day%==01 set Day=1

if %Day%==02 set Day=2

if %Day%==03 set Day=3

if %Day%==04 set Day=4

if %Day%==05 set Day=5

if %Day%==06 set Day=6

if %Day%==07 set Day=7

if %Day%==08 set Day=8

if %Day%==09 set Day=9



if %Month%==1 set DOY=%Day%

if %Month% GEQ 2 goto LEAPDOY

goto END



if %Month%==2 set/a DOY=%Day%+31

if %Month%==3 set/a DOY=%Day%+59

if %Month%==4 set/a DOY=%Day%+90

if %Month%==5 set/a DOY=%Day%+120

if %Month%==6 set/a DOY=%Day%+151

if %Month%==7 set/a DOY=%Day%+181

if %Month%==8 set/a DOY=%Day%+212

if %Month%==9 set/a DOY=%Day%+243

if %Month%==10 set/a DOY=%Day%+273

if %Month%==11 set/a DOY=%Day%+304

if %Month%==12 set/a DOY=%Day%+334

goto End



if not %Leap%==1 goto NOTLEAP

if %Month%==2 set/a DOY=%Day%+31

if %Month%==3 set/a DOY=%Day%+60

if %Month%==4 set/a DOY=%Day%+91

if %Month%==5 set/a DOY=%Day%+121

if %Month%==6 set/a DOY=%Day%+152

if %Month%==7 set/a DOY=%Day%+182

if %Month%==8 set/a DOY=%Day%+213

if %Month%==9 set/a DOY=%Day%+244

if %Month%==10 set/a DOY=%Day%+274

if %Month%==11 set/a DOY=%Day%+305

if %Month%==12 set/a DOY=%Day%+335

goto End




echo The day of the year is %DOY%



It could be shorter but I don't feel like making it shorter. Go ahead and edit this if you want.

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