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Within the 'vi' editor, use the '!ps' command with the correct options, depending on the Unix version or variant.

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Q: How would you list all the processes running vi?
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Where can you view a list of all processes running on a system?

Task Manager

What are all the process that are presently running?

The 'ps' command will give you all the currently running processes. Each Unix system may have slightly different options to list them. The most common would be: ps -ed or ps -ef or ps -el depending on how much information you want to see.

Are programs running on task bar?

Yes, any programs you see on your taskbar are running. If you have them "open" then that would make them active, if they are minimized they are still running, but only in the background. To see a list of all running programs (active and inactive), press "CTRL + ALT + DEL" to view a task manager. From that window you can end any processes you don't want running.

How do you see all programs that are running on a Mac laptop?

All active programs (except those that run as a background process) are highlighted in the Dock. Pressing the Command (cmd) and Tab keys will show the application switcher with all the active applications. In the Utilities folder (within the Applications folder) the Activity Monitor can be found. This will detail all running processes. To see all of the "applications" running, you can press ctrl-command-esc to pull up the force quit dialogue. There you can see all of the applications that are running. If you want to see all of the individual background processes, etc. Open a terminal window (in Applications -> Utilities) and type PS and press enter. There are some more options to see different information about the processes running. Typing man PS in the terminal window should give you some more options to use with the PS utility.

When multiple programs or processes are running on a Unix machine how do you find out much memory is being used by each program?

to find out the memory of each processes running on our unix/ Linux box type "PS -aux | more" would list u all the processes running with their respective processor id's (pid) and the memory used by the respective programs ... if u are running out of memory what we can do is note down the pid which is taking lot of memory and if u feel the process is not so important for u then use the command "killall"to quit or stop that particular process I am using red-hat Linux, here u can use a top command to c the amount of memory utilized by each running processes. You can use "top" or the native "prstat" in Solaris. In order to see how much memory is used by a process, not including that shared with other processes ( through shared libraries ), you can execute "pmap -x $pid" giving your processes PID.

Can you View what applications are running in the background in windows task manager?

Yes. If you click on the processes tab, you can view all the running programmes

When you are superuser all your processes run in supervisor mode is this true?

No. Regardless of what user you are running as, all your tasks are run in user mode. Supervisor mode is reserved for kernel-level processes.

What is the command used to check the pid of all the processes current running in Linux environment?

Type top in a terminal to display Linux processes, which includes PID.

Which Task Manager tab allows you to show processes from all users to verify no applications are running under that user account?

Processes tab

What do you mean by 'processes' in unix environment?

A "process" is a program. In multitasking environments such as Unix or Windows - in fact, in most modern operating systems - the computer can run multiple processes at the same time. Note that not all of such processes need to have a visible window - some can be hidden from the user, until you use a special tool or command to list the processes.

Why is my Samsung Galaxy S4 overheating?

It could be that you are running something that causes the CPU to be running at 100% all the time, or you have concurrent apps/processes that are keeping the CPU awake (same effect as the CPU running 100% all the time).

With which commands do you display file names and processes in unix?

To display files and folder ls command is used, which stands for "list directory contents". It has great amount of options and very often used with -la options (list in long format (privileges, creation time, size, if it is symbol link then where it points and etc) and other options tells to include "." and ".." folders).To list all processes there is ps command which stands for "process status". In order to get very detailed list of what is running on your system you could use -lax options with this command.