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computer literacy is familiarity with computers and how they work

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Q: How would you define computer literacy for medical?
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Define lateral multi directional literacy?

I have no idea! I would love to know.

How would you define health literacy?

how well you understand health

How would you argue that computer literacy must be made part of the basic school syllabus when a motion has been presented?

i would start by simply telling them that you agree with the notion that computer literacy is needed in the school curriculum

Someone with the basic skills and knowledge of a responsible computer user is considered to be a computer?

They would be considered as being computer literate.

How much would it cost to fix a computer blackbox?

Could you define a "computer blackbox"?

What computer skills are needed to become a social worker?

A social worker should have basic computer literacy. It would be beneficial to be able to run spread sheets also, and word processors.

I have bubbles on my neck under my skin what is it?

Impossible to define - It would be best to seek professional medical help and have these examined.

Should basic computer skills be a fundamental part of school curricula?

Computer literacy should be required of all college graduates. Classes should contain activities that help students build the computer proficiency that they will need in their professional lives.

What are the four activities that define a computer?

Without more information, I would say: Input Processing Storage Output

Why computer literacy is important?

Computer literacy is of no importance at all, in and of itself. People live and have lived perfectly satisfactory lives totally ignorant of computers (e.g. my parents). Computer literacy only becomes important when computer usage is forced upon you by job requirements, etc.

How would you define concurrency and recovery?

Concurrency is when computer science and the system works together. Recovery is taking the time to heal.

How would you define computer cable management?

Computer management is when one has full control or organized method of controlling all the wires going into and coming out of a computer. This also means the wires are organized neatly.