I do not think a satisfactory bookmark can be made of wood. If you sanded a piece of wood until it was thin enough to be a bookmark, it would be too fragile to hold together. Using Ice Lolly sticks or tongue spatulas is possible. Hardwood "biscuits" bought from wood suppliers are great as well
Cheap bookmark printing can be obtained at the OverNightPrints website. Another place where one can obtain cheap bookmark printings would be PrintSafari.
A homophone for bookmark would be "book mark". It's still a homophone even though it is two words. That is the only homophone for bookmark.
So that when you want to go on a website you just need to go on bookmark to go on it
There's no clear way how to do it. My suggestion would be, if you use the same browser on both desktop/laptop and your Android phone (Chrome), it will sync between devices. What you search on one will show on the other. Or, you can also bookmark it on one and it will carry over to the other.
$0.50 - $1.00
all browsers are capable of running javascript, and registering for facebook. you probably need to enable javascript on your browser which to tell you how i would need to know which browser you are using
Web Browser doesn't stand for anything, it's the actual site your using. " Web " meaning Internet, " Browser "which would be a program to view HTML documents such as this web-site.
To retrieve the name and version of the web browser using JavaScirpt, you want to make use of the "navigator" object. For instance, the following code would cause an alert box to popup on the users browser, alerting the user to the browser's name. alert ("You are using: "+navigator.name); The alert would say something like "You are using: Internet Explorer" or "You are using: FireFox" The navigator object has other information available. You can find whether of not the browser accepts cookies, it's version, and it's codename. To learn more, see the related link.
I would suggest looking on ebay and amazon.
Answers.com is NOT a program. So it is NOT "on" your PC. Answers.com website will only open if you type in the URL or use a bookmark. If you do not want to access it, simply do not do either of those things. We would hope you decide to stick around, though, and share your knowledge too.