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You find out whether your laptop is hacked by taking it to a computer security expert.

MalwareBytes or some other antivirus program is excellent for finding viruses and the like.

If you are in doubt, do not enter your bank information or anything you don't want sold to the highest bidder for the purposes of stealing your identity onto the computer until after it's been checked.

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15y ago

Well, If it were stolen and Lo Jack was on in, chances are the customer would have called it in. So if the cops havent busted down your door, you should be fine from there. When its activated, it knows when you go online and sends them your ip address. There should be something in the BIOS about it. Most New Dells have it. Other than that, there is no way. Look for phone numbers and try to get ahold of someone. ???

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13y ago

Search for the computers serial number at

or just call, for example Apple, you would call Apple support and give serial number they will tell you. :)

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Q: How to you check if a laptop computer is stolen?
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Know your IP Adress. Track the Laptop down.

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Laptop security is a very useful tool on your personnel computer. It can scan all downloads to check for viruses that can crash your computer. It also protects all of your personnel information.

What is anti-theft for computers?

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mega bit and name