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To unlock brushes go to menus :- Window --> Brushes.

Now in right sight of your screen (in Photo Shop CS3), you will see a brushes option window, at present all brushes in this window will be disabled. Now press B on your key board (short key of Brushes, and also you can select Brush Tool from toolbar in left side of your screen) and now you will see that all brushes in brushes window will be enabled.

Now click on fly out menu option of brushes window, you will see a fly out list

(contains some options of brushes use). Now see the 4th option is Reset all Locked Settings, click on that option. Your brushes and all its settings will be unlocked.

(Make sure right now you are working on Photo Shop CS3, because all above setting are according to Photo Shop CS3).

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11y ago

If you have a locked layer with a light grey lock icon, then duplicate it and delete the locked one. If you wish, go into your settings so background and merged layers won't be locked by default.

If you locked a layer yourself, a dark grey lock icon will appear. Simply select that layer, and click on the lock tool, which has the same icon.

Edit: typically, the layer in question is the background layer. Double-click on it to change its name, and even using the default (Layer 0), the resulting layer will be unlocked.

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13y ago

If when you try to save the file, you are getting an error message saying the file is locked, it is most likely because the file has a read-only attribute. You can try saving the file using the "Save As" command instead, and saving the file with a different name, or by removing the read-only attribute from the file.

To remove the read-only attribute, right click on the file, and select "Properties", then in the new window that pops up, make sure by "Attributes", "Read-only" is checked off, then hit apply. This may not work unless the file is located on your Hard Drive. If the file was on a CD for example, it would always have a read-only attribute.

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