You can try clicking the 'Undo' option to get the cut images back. But, that function is not accessible if you have re-opened a project from an earlier time for further editing.
Once a clip/pic is cut out (or removed) from a Windows Movie Maker project, it will have to be imported back into the program if you are unable to access the Undo feature.
A Movie Maker effect is how the clip or photo is displayed when played back.
Yes.You can import the video back into Windows Movie Maker again (as long as it is in the correct format for the program) and extract pictures from frames using the "Take Picture from Preview"feature (only available on v2.6 version).Unfortunately, WLMM (Windows Live Movie Maker) does not have this feature.
You can't edit the movie (video) but you can import it and split it up for editing if you like.
More detail on this issue is required before any resolution can be found.
You can't convert it back into a .MSWMM, but you can import the .wmv file back into Windows Movie Maker and edit it again in a new project.
Windows Movie Maker is a persnickety program. Instead of saving the project, Publish or Finish it instead. You can always import the video back into the program for more editing. But, it saves the frustration of not being able to Save.
They need to added to the audio track on Windows Movie Maker. The completed movie can then be burned to the DVD. Completed DVD's need to be ripped back from the disc to a format you can edit and work with, with a program such as Handbrake.
Something might be wrong with your Movie Maker program if you don't have sound. First make sure your speakers are turned on and up (I've made this mistake myself several times). Test your computer audio by playing something on your Media Player. If the Media Player audio works, then something is amiss with your Movie Maker. Download your version again and re-install it.
You can't make the music go backwards in Windows Movie Maker.If it is already recorded backwards and is in the correct format for use in the program, then you can import and use it. Otherwise, there is no feature for reversing audio.Sorry :(
If you did not save/finish/publish the Windows Movie Maker project before closing the program, the videos are irretrievable. If you have a 'Saved" project, the video should be in your Collections folder - unless you moved/changed/deleted the original source files on your computer.
it probably isn't, but i HAVE heard a rumor of a fooly cooly movie coming out... but the only proof is a picture on google images
which window ? door or windshield or back window ?